
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Not the start I wanted back in the midlands

Last week saw me in the midlands due to my new job that I am about to start. This gave me time to get back to one or two old stomping grounds that I used to fish when I was younger.
Due to work commitments its been a while and since I had time to get out and about on the bank last week was seen as a blessing and a chance to get back into my routine.
The 23rd of April saw me fishing in a open match at Higham Lane fisheries in Hinckley.
Turning up on the Saturday morning saw me wanting to draw up the top end of the lake due to the warm weather and with the wind blowing into the top end of the lake for a fair while this is where the fish would be, and matches from past had been won that end.
Well in went my hand and out came peg 2 (not where i wanted to be in fact complete opposite!). Granted I had drawn a end peg within the section and is a peg that is capable of winning when the wind is blowing into the bank. With the wind blowing into the furthest bank I knew I was going to have my work cut out.
The plan of attack came in the form of my Z9 pole 14 meters out to my front setting up two rigs one shallow and one on the deck. Starting on the deck feeding pellet via catapult and looking in for fish coming up in the water then I would change to my shallow rig. The next plan of attack would be to fish the method across peg one and into the bank and see if I could mug a few fish from there. The last plan was to set up a paste rig and fish it just in front of peg one to my right.
With the all in being called I set to work. Throughout the match I struggled to find the fish switching from line to line to try and locate any fish within the swim.
I knew it was never going to be a winning peg but tried to make the most of it and maybe claim 3rd place overall.
To cut a long story short I ended up with 5 carp for around 30lb which I threw back due to watching the lads up the top end of the lake have a good six hours baggin.
Looking back on the match i don't think there wouldn't be anything else I would of tried and most of the lads fishing down this end of the lake also had a poor days fishing.
Not really the start I wanted coming back to one of my old stomping grounds and really wanted to start with a top three finish.
With fishing some times the draw has to be nice to you if not then you are bound to struggle to compete.
Lets hope the next match pulls in a good result.

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